- IDEAS consulting di Gianfranco Azzola - marketing, turismo, sostenibilità, comunicazione, formazione professionale, haccp, sicurezza sul lavoro

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IDEAS Consulting was founded in 2010 as a network of services and consultants, different but complementary, from which structure their know-how.
Promote the economic and social development of an area, increase the competitive ability of private enterprise, strengthening institutions and local communities, to identify and develop policies and strategies for integration and cooperation, are the main objectives that IDEAS consulting pursues with its consultant network.

Simple but effective, the proposed strategies always maintain the objective of economic sustainability of investments and actions put in place.

The IDEAS consulting network is composed by professionals and consultants, each of which on the basis of specific expertise is contributing in the areas of management consulting, marketing, training and human resources management. From this is born and marks the feature of IDEAS Consulting Group: flexibility.

This feature provides a method of targeted intervention projects out of any dimension, maximizing the effectiveness of the intervention without neglecting the containment of costs.

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